小野リサ – 何日君再來 ホウ_リイ_チュン_ツァイ_ライ 中國,麗莎姐蹩腳的普通話加上拉丁風格的翻唱,聽起來很不錯呢。鄧麗君版之外的另一種聆聽。
Beyond – Long Way without Friends. Oh, long way without friends, but i’ll never, never change my mind!
The sun is scorching down,
And the sand reflect its light.
I‘m moving with my shadow,
Through this empty haunted land.
Strange sounds from nowhere,
And the strong wind cut my face.
Nobody’ll help But what else can I do ?
Oh! Lord I need your help,
In the sky there‘s a eagle soaring by!
Oh, Long way without friends,
But I’ll never, never change my mind!
The moon is hanging high,
With her lonely stars behind,
The moonlinght lit the ground.
The moonlight give me a chill,
But only the moonlight,Will show me my way
Nobody‘ll help,But what else can i do?
The gift is in my hands,
And the road before my eyes,
The fire has ceased to burn.
I can feel the torture’s gone.
But will it last for long,
when the spell is still around.
Nobody care,But what else can I do?
「Yoga On Sacred Ground #2 : Gratitude」整個專輯,甚至CHINMAYA的整個創作均融合印孟民俗與音樂元素,以NEW AGE音樂手法編配出富含哲學思想的音樂。
續發Chinmaya印孟風情唱片「Yoga On Sacred Ground」以撥絃樂器SAROD為主調搭配竹笛、塔不拉、吉他和人聲營造出平靜祥和的冥想境界1.Natrani(Queen Of The Dance) 。
昨發佈Lenie的「孔蘇埃格拉的風車」 http://lxooo.com/?p=6253 遊記中發了她從西班牙帶回來的佛朗明哥吉他演奏曲「Various-Guacamaya」,吉他搭配輕快的響板,曲末有段動人心脾的吟唱。
這幾天重寫了 起風溏 http://lxooo.com 的主題,總算完工,測試中聽到起風溏發過的曲子「我和草原有個約定」,收于降央卓瑪的「金色的呼喚」專輯,娓娓動聽,都不捨得換頁換歌了。
Firm 2011/07/2414:12 永久連結 |